Frequently asked questions
1. What safety precautions should I take when spraying?
The required safety precautions vary from product to product. Please note the corresponding information on the product labels. In general, aerosols must be protected from light and direct sunlight and must not be exposed to temperatures above 50°C under any circumstances. The sprays must be kept away from sources of ignition. Never spray on flames or red-hot objects. Aerosol cans must never be forcibly opened or burned, even when the can is empty. Always ensure adequate ventilation. When using paint sprays, explosive mixtures may form in the air. Keep products out of reach of children. -
2. Why is it advisable to use a primer?
• Adhesion: A primer improves the adhesion of the paint to the surface. It helps the paint to bond well to the material, thereby improving the durability and longevity of the paint layer. • Levelling: Primers help in levelling the surface by filling small bumps, pores and texture differences. This results in a smoother end result and an even finish. • Protection: Primers often offer protection to the underlying material. For example, they can prevent wood from rotting or metal from rusting by forming a barrier between the surface and environmental factors. • Colour coverage: A primer can help improve the colour coverage of paint. It prevents the underlying colour from showing through and ensures consistent colour reproduction. • Adhesion between layers: If you plan to apply several layers of paint, a primer promotes adhesion between these layers, ensuring a more stable and durable finish. -
3. Can a normal all-purpose cleaner be used to degrease?
No, all-purpose cleaners should not be used to degrease as before because they contain solvents that can cause the paint to crack. These solvents may react with the paint, leading to damage and deterioration of the surface. For effective and safe degreasing, it is recommended to use a standard degreaser or washing up liquid. -
4. What order of preparation should I follow?
1. Clean well with a good degreaser. 2. Then sand lightly, clean again and let it dry. 3. Apply primer suitable for the substrate of your project. 4. After which the colour can be applied 5. Finish with a Glossy, Matte or Silk Gloss Clear coat to seal the colorpaint. 6. Tip! Spray a test piece first to see if the colour is to your liking.
1. What should I bear in mind when determining the drying times?
Drying times can be found in the technical data sheet of the respective product on this website. Drying times always depend on the ambient temperature, humidity and the thickness of the paint layer applied. Our drying specifications were measured at an ambient temperature of 20°C and a relative humidity of 50%. • Dust-dry: The paint layer is so dry that dust particles can no longer be trapped in the paint. • Touch dry: The paint is not yet fully hardened and robust, but can already be touched. • Reworkable: The paint can be sanded and overpainted. • Fully dried: The paint has reached its final hardness. -
2. What weather conditions are suitable for spraying?
Naturally in dry weather or in dry and windproof environments. The can should be at room temperature. Optimal results are obtained when the environment is at a temperature between +15° and 25°C. The humidity should not be higher than 60%, otherwise drying would be significantly delayed. -
3. What is spray mist and how do I reduce its effects?
At warmer temperatures, but also if the distance to the object to be painted is too large when spraying, the paint will dry while still in the air and will no longer reach the object to be painted. This air-dried lacquer settles on the surface as spray mist. Please note the spraying distance indicated on the product instructions. It should always be painted in a wind-protected area to prevent particles from settling from the spray mist on the still-wet, painted surface. The amount of spray mist that can occur depends on the amount of paint, the ventilation (wind conditions) and the application. Spray mist can spread around a room up to 10 metres. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the surrounding area carefully and extensively. -
4. My paintwork has runs. How can I avoid this?
Spray crosswise (horizontally – vertically). Start spraying outside the object. Press the spray head firmly during movement. Move the spray can slowly and evenly back and forth and carry out the turning movement around the outside of the object. This is the best way to control the spray jet and avoid too much paint on the surface, which leads to “tears” or “runs”. The spraying distance to the object must not be too small. Information on the spraying distance can be found on the respective product label; it is usually 15 – 25 cm. The optimal processing temperature is between 15° and 25°C (room temperature). The paint can, the object to be painted, and the spatial environment should be at this temperature. Do not attempt to achieve a smooth, opaque surface immediately during the first spray. Spraying several thin layers is better than applying the paint in a thick layer. -
5. My paintwork looks like the surface of an orange. How can I avoid this?
If the spraying distance is too large or the temperature is too high (>25°C), the paint will dry in the air. This mist can be reflected on your painted object in an initially matt surface. When you paint another layer, small elevations form, referred to as “orange peel”. -
6. Why is the paintwork peeling off?
The surface should always be more pigmented than the subsequent paintwork. Primers are highly pigmented, clearcoats do not contain any colour pigments. The optimal structure is therefore primer – colour paint – clearcoat. In addition, the surface should be ground and cleaned before applying the primer or paint. A structure with paints from different manufacturers can also lead to intolerances. Therefore always use products from the same manufacturer on an object. The paint cannot stick to smooth plastic surfaces. To avoid flaking, the object must always be pre-treated with a plastic primer. To clean the plastic surface, use plastic cleaner beforehand. -
7. Why are wrinkles forming on my paintwork (paint "pulls up")?
Synthetic resin may only be painted over with synthetic resin. The solvents in the synthetic resin evaporate slowly, while solvents in quick-drying acrylic varnishes evaporate quickly. If you then paint a quick-drying acrylic paint on a synthetic resin, the solvents in the acrylic paint will dissolve the layer underneath. Since the quick-drying acrylic paint surface seals faster than the underlying dissolved synthetic resin can dry, the varnish swells up and forms unwanted creases. If synthetic resin paint is painted with synthetic resin paint, it must be noted that this is done within 2 hours after the first paint or only after 24 hours, otherwise the same "tightening" effect arises here. -
8. I do not like the paintwork. Can I remove the paint?
It is best to remove the paint immediately after painting with nitro dilution or acetone. PURE spray oaint can be washed with water and a surfactant cleanser within 20 minutes. -
9. I did not spray the can to empty. Can I store it and continue to use it later?
Spray paints are closed paint systems. This prevents the paint from drying out and we can guarantee a shelf life of 10 years. However, practice has shown that paint sprays still function perfectly 15 – 20 years after production! Of course, correct storage is important. With most sprays from European Aerosols, self-cleaning valves ensure that the spray heads are drained. But if you want to be completely sure, simply turn the can upside down and press the spray head for 2 – 3 seconds. In this way, only propellant gas is ejected and the valve and spray head are cleared of active substance residues (paint residues).
1. What quality of paint (acrylic, synthetic resin, etc.) is in my spray can?
Most products have this information on the can label. If this is not the case, please refer to our homepage. Here you will find the technical data sheet for each product which shows the paint quality. -
2. How do I prevent my spray can tip from clogging?
The most sprays from European Aerosols, self-cleaning valves ensure that the spray heads are drained. But if you want to be completely sure, simply turn the can upside down and press the spray head for 5 seconds. In this way, only propellant gas is ejected and the valve and spray head are cleared of active substance residues (paint residues). -
3. Where to buy PlastiKote aerosols?
View our sales locations by clicking on ''Where to buy'' in the menu. Please note that opening hours may vary. To make sure your desired product is in stock, please contact the reseller. We sell our products exclusively through resellers. Would you like to buy PlastiKote products online? We recommend entering the product via Google. You will then automatically see the offer of our online resellers. -
4. What is the price of the product?
The best way to find out the price is to contact our resellers, both online and in the offline shop. -
5. I have a spray can which is not mentioned on your website. Are these still being made?
All currently produced aerosols are listed on our website. If this is not the case, the aerosol in question is not produced in our factory. -
6. Where can I find technical specification forms and the safety data sheets?
Technical data sheets and safety sheets for each product can be found on this website under the respective product you are looking for. -
7. How can I contact the PlastiKote customer service?
Fill in the contact form on the website. We can give you the fastest answer to all your questions here. -
8. I have a question about a product.
On the page of your chosen product, you will find information about the product, instructions for use. You can also download the Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Sheet, there you will find additional information on applications, drying times, surfaces and more. -
9. I have a complaint about a product.
Complaints about a product are generally handled at the sales location. They contact Plastikote (manufacturer) through their supplier. We understand that sometimes it is easier to contact us directly via the contact form.
1. How do the different paint qualities interact with each other?
Acrylic and nitro combination paints are particularly characterised by faster drying times and harder surfaces. Such coatings are therefore mainly used in the automotive sector. It cannot be used over an Alkyd resin. Synthetic resin paints (=alkyd resin) are easier to process for "inexperienced sprayers" because the paint dries more slowly and therefore there are no visible transitions when you restart the spray can. This is especially advantageous when painting larger surfaces (e.g. table tops, cabinet fronts). Alkyd resin can, however, be sprayed over an acrylic resin. Hybrid sprays; This new spray paint is based on a revolutionary resin technology and combines the best of three worlds: alkyd, acrylic and waterborne systems. With our new HYBRID spray, you no longer need to worry about the substrate or dealing with old coats of lacquer. The lacquer can be applied easily and without bleeding, even on polystyrene. -
2. How to paint perfectly on polystyrene foam?
Paints, including spray paints, usually contain solvents that attack and dissolve the polystyrene. Water-based paints (PURE ASSORTIMENT) are an exception. These can be used without hesitate to spray directly onto polystyrene foam. -
3. What do you need to consider when coating hard plastics?
Plastics are sensitive to solvents and react strongly to temperature changes (flexibility). In addition, they have a very smooth surface to which paint does not adhere well. Pretreatment with plastic primer is therefore without exception required. This plastic primer forms a paintable bridge between the plastic substrate and the subsequent paint layer. The plastic primer is applied in one The plastic primer is applied in one thin coat. -
4. Can aluminium also be painted?
Yes this is fine, although it is recommended to use an aluminium primer. -
5. Are shower walls also sprayable?
No we do not recommend this due to the amount of water and moisture. -
6. Are Polybutylene (PB) and Polythylene (PE) sprayable?
Are Polybutylene (PB) and Polythylene (PE) sprayable? -
7. Is Polycorbonate (PC) sprayable?
Yes, this can be painted, but only in combination with a plastic primer. Old Polycarbonate is not recommended because it can be corroded. -
8. Can polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polypropylene (PP) be sprayed?
Yes this is possible, but not for a long time. Only in combination with a plastic primer. -
9. Are chrome-plated parts paintable?
Yes this can be done, but is tricky. Here, preparation is 2x as important so that the paint can adhere better. -
10. Is silicone sprayable?
No, silicones have a smooth and non-porous surface, making it difficult for traditional paints to adhere well. Paint usually adheres better to porous surfaces, but silicones offer little to no adhesion points.